Dominant & Alternative Representations
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Monday, 15 December 2014
Blumler & Katz
Uses & Gratifications
- The Uses and Gratifications Theory is an approach which helps understand the mass communication within the media
- The theory focuses more significantly more on audiences and not the actual message of the piece of media
- The Theory states that the media needs to be chosen to the audiences specific needs
The theory suggested that the uses and gratifications theory has to fulfil one of the following when we choose a form of media:
- Identify: Able to recognize a person that reflects similar beliefs to yours.
- Educate: The acquirement of information and understanding concepts more knowledgeably.
- Entertain: Consumption of media should provide enjoyment and a form be a form of escapism and so that they can temporarily forget about their life, as they enjoy the moments of the programme they are watching.
- Social Interaction: Popular programmes help produce conversation between people leading to more social networking websites being used by people in the particular demographic. This type of demographic uses social networking more than other demographics, as they stay connected through high use of Twitter and Facebook.
MEST2 Update - BBC 3 & E4 Breakdown
Channel History
E4 began transmission on TV on 18th January 2001, at 8.30pm with a night presented by Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen).
E4's first broadcast was in 2005, which was a programme that had a countdown of twenty discussed controversial moments in TV history.
They screen historical and dramatic programmes, notable such as:
- Friends
- The Inbetweeners
- Hollyoaks
- Big Bang Theory
- How I Met Your Mother
In 1996, Channel 4 (main institution) bought the rights to screen the popular American sitcom, this deemed to be very popular within the UK audience.
Target Audience
The main demographics are shown:
- under 18s (63%)
- 18-24 (29%)
- 25-34 (5%)
- 35-44 (2%)
- 45-54 (1%)
- 55+ (0%)
Female 59% Male 41%
Demographic is the particular information which divides specific class types, gender, age and race. Every programme on the channel is targeted at a specific audience, such as young teens, which is a target of many programmes which are screened on E4. The E4 viewers are significantly more young females aged 16-24. This particularly demographic is targeted as E4 screens a lot of good quality and highly comedic programmes, which are also screened on E4 +1, which helps the audience catch up with a repeat of the programme one hour after it's original screening time. E4 use advertising highly on their channel as their main demographic is people that use the internet highly, sociable and likely to be well connected with their friends.
BBC Three
Renamed during a period where they were renaming their BBC Knowledge, which is now known as BBC Four and their BBC Choice to now be named BBC Three.
Drama, Comedy and Documentaries
Notable Programmes
- Top Boy
- Doctor Who
- Being Human
- Family Guy
- American Dad
- Bad Education
The channel airs many different programmes and comedies, ones such as Bad Education, which became popular within younger teens which attended high school as it reflected on a poorly-coordinated teacher working at a high school in a suburban London area, which was created and written by Jack Whitehall and directed by Christine Gernon. Another example of a successful programme is Doctor Who which lead to it being screened on other BBC channels and also having films being based on it, being released in the mid-1990s.
Target audience statistics
- In 2008 it reached 26.3% of 16.34 year olds in digital home
- 2.6% share of 15-34 years old audience
- 1.4% of the whole population
BBC Three's main focus is to discipline the young and their main demographic is 16-34 years old people. These are the people they wish to influence as they have a young mindset.
MEST 2 - Opening Scenes
Top Boy
Topboy begins by displaying various establishing shots of a typical urban setting, which is based in a London council estate. The soundtrack, which is non-diegetic, helps build a more urban atmosphere and it helps to reinforce the stereotypes associated with a typical environment like this, which is commonly linked with crime and violence, the atmosphere is being further supported in the scene with the sound of a police siren in the background which is a diegetic sound. The next scene displays an over-the-shoulder shot showing a long distance which monitors over who the audience may assume, to be the main characters of the narrative which is about to become present within the scene. The mise-en-scene of the characters are urban-type clothing, particular large coats, hoodies, jeans and trainers, which helps determine to the audience, what kind of person they are. The editing featured helps build up tension and it also helps create suspense for an action to occur. In the scene the produce a validation of approval within the scene through the sound of a ringtone which suggests an action code of accepting the call and acting upon it. The narrative becomes a showdown when a black vehicle is displayed speeding towards the male and female characters, who at the time are situated in a council estate and it is supported through the cross-cuts, when they switch from one subjects location to the other subject location. The guns displayed within the frame later in the scene help create the conflict in this kind of narrative, which is based around typical drug and gang crime in London.
Breaking Bad
The opening scene is introduced with medium-close shots of a desert, showing cacti and big boulders which are typical found in a desert, this helps the audience acknowledge that the opening scene will be based in this kind of area. It is also opened with a diegetic sound of a bird in the background, which cannot be seen, but helps build a tension within the environment through the quiet and open area that it has in a desert. Furthermore, the next scene is shown of a shot which shows trousers drop to the floor from above. This will cause the audience to become more curious to what will happen, as they may not have expected to see something like that in a very discrete environment like the desert. This follows up with an RV (recreational vehicle) which proceeds to run over it subsequently. The follow up with a shot from behind in the RV, which shows a half naked man driving the vehicle. The quick cuts help show more which is going on within the RV and helps the audience identify what is happening slowly, as they do not distribute a lot of information within the shots. The half-naked man is shown to be the main subject and the audience want to know why he is in this situation that he is in. The scenes are relatively quiet in order to produce a more tense environment and build suspense within the audience as they are curious to why the main subject is in a very rapid environment, which suggests he is trying to avoid or retreat from something.
This comedic series shows 2 main characters open up the scene by engaging in dialogue with other acquaintances, which appear to be sitting on a wall. This is a good way to open up a scene in this type of genre as the scene as instantly become very suburban vibe, as a lot of the younger teens appear to know each other. When the two main subjects walk over to the 3 other subjects, they use a handheld shot to help create an atmosphere within the audience which can make them feel like they are a part of the setting and surroundings. These shots help the audience also understand how the main two first subjects are feeling and how they see them. The 'mandem' that subsequently sit on the wall speak quite loud in order for the audience to understand what kind of people they are from the expression given through their voice. They also use a medium-close up shot to display the expression of one of the two main subjects, which is disappointed and frankly annoyed. This then sparks a scene of conflict where the subject becomes annoyed and walks away, leading to the narrative to exhibit high amounts of expression within characters.
My Murder
The scene is opened with a text which states that these events were based on a true story and that the minor characters have been created. The scene pans down onto a bed sheet which is waving on a clothesline and this then reveals a young black male shown on the floor who appears to have been stabbed. There is a non-diegetic sound of the police radio call of the person who rang the police in order to report the situation. Doing this helps give a proper feel to what happened and to sympathise for the innocent and young person who has been stabbed, as this has been based on a true story. They show a medium-close up of him in the next shot which shows in detail him flinching as well as look weak and vulnerable. This then follows with an over-the-shoulder shot of a female who appears to be on the phone to the police, with the young stabbed male on the floor in the view. This helps engage the audience more into the scene as they use this type of shot to give the scene more effect and to exhibit the scene precisely how it was when the actual event was taking place. This then exhibits the young male struggling to crawl, whilst being shown in a medium-close up, in order for the audience to sympathise for him as his life comes to an end.
Friday, 12 December 2014
MEST2 Tutorial
Great idea – good concept, characterisation,
scheduling etc. This can definitely work.
Decide on whether you want a title sequence –
the montage you’re talking about sounds like a title sequence.
Watch the opening sequence of the Wire – it
might fit the type of montage you want.
Research sounds good – perhaps add a film
opening or two? Kidulthood or similar could help you (similar genre,
characterisation etc.)
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Hypodermic Needle Theory Task - Violent video games & Jamal Edwards - Multimillionaire
This supports the hypodermic needle theory as they say if you consume a piece of media data, you may be likely, depending on how much is consumed, try to re-enact those actions without the intention of actually doing it. The article states that at least 20 minutes a day of playing violent games (first person shooters particularly), this can encourage more aggressive behaviour as their is a lot of violent acts being undertaken in the game and can cause the behaviour of students to become more vicious. This also supports the theory as playing violent games can affect the long term if their is a high level of media consumption, a quote from the article which supports this is "Playing video games could be compared to smoking cigarettes. A single cigarette won't cause lung cancer, but smoking over weeks or months or years greatly increases the risk.", this shows how in the long term how badly it can affect the mentality of a person.
Another article which shows the link between violent video games and aggression is linked below.
In this particular study, I do and do not believe video games affects the mentality of a person as a lot of people are affected by things much easier than others and this causes people to think that it affects everyone as a whole, as they people testing the theory have been able to gain results from their studies, which prove that violent video games causes aggression.
Jamal Edwards multimillionaire through YouTube
This feature relates to the two-step flow model as the audience is relating to the article that the BBC have produced. BBC is a highly influential organisation and the BBC's opinion affects how the reader thinks as they are very significant organisation.
5 other YouTuber's which are highly influential
KSIOlajideBT -
KSIOlajideBT started off his YouTube career uploading FIFA gaming videos and eventually developed to make highly comedic videos, he has over 7 million subscribers and over 1 billion views on his videos. He is quite significant within the FIFA gaming community and what he does is also influenced onto other YouTuber's like KSI.
KSIOlajideBT -
KSIOlajideBT started off his YouTube career uploading FIFA gaming videos and eventually developed to make highly comedic videos, he has over 7 million subscribers and over 1 billion views on his videos. He is quite significant within the FIFA gaming community and what he does is also influenced onto other YouTuber's like KSI.
Alltime10s - Alltime10s Channel
This isn't a solo person but consists of a pair that makes fact videos which are listed from 10-1. They are highly influential, having millions of subscribers and also expanding further onto other channels such as their Alltime Conspiracies, which is a channel about Conspiracy Theories and letting viewers get an insight to very famous conspiracies.
KickTV -
This is an organisation which gives latest football related news from around the world, including some humorous videos which are collaborated with other people, such as KSIOlajideBT, in the past.
Ray William Johnson -
One of YouTube's most significant and influential person is Ray William Johnson, who has over 10 million subscribers. He post videos which review viral and trending videos in the social media. Due to his high audience, he is highly influential, as he is significantly one of YouTube's most dominant users.
NigaHiga -
Ryan Higa produces such videos like skits and quite comedic videos, his videos are skits which are mainly put into his perspective which is what makes his videos highly appealing. His videos are based on beliefs which then describes by showing in the video, in a skit performance-type.
Dependency Theory - Questions
What do you primarily use the media for: entertainment or information?
I use the media for personal use, which is particular for my entertainment, some common media sources I use are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, which helps me connect with other friends, enabling me to speak to them whenever I wish too. I also use the media to gain information of things that have happened recently or in the past, I do not read the news regular but always try to keep up to date with what is going on around the world.
To what extent do you feel we are dependant on the media?
I think that we have become more dependant on the media, because it affects how personal lives and how we retaliate in a particular circumstance, for example, if you were to plan a day out, you would most likely check the weather and plan it on a day where the weather is decent and most likely not raining (for example) as people tend to not enjoy being out when it is rainy, so therefore they would check the weather forecast in order to find out which days would be better for them. This is just one of the many examples to why we have become so dependant on the media, as people use the media to improve a day out or their particular lifestyle.
Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
I think our dependence on the media has changed because as technology advances, people have many more new ways to find out information or simply use for entertainment. Some of these platforms include BBC iPlayer which an example of dependency, as if people miss a programme which shows on BBC channels, then they are likely to go on TV catch up in order to watch that programme as they would not want to have missed it. People are dependant on BBC iPlayer because they rely on it to watch the programmes that they have missed.
I use the media for personal use, which is particular for my entertainment, some common media sources I use are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, which helps me connect with other friends, enabling me to speak to them whenever I wish too. I also use the media to gain information of things that have happened recently or in the past, I do not read the news regular but always try to keep up to date with what is going on around the world.
To what extent do you feel we are dependant on the media?
I think that we have become more dependant on the media, because it affects how personal lives and how we retaliate in a particular circumstance, for example, if you were to plan a day out, you would most likely check the weather and plan it on a day where the weather is decent and most likely not raining (for example) as people tend to not enjoy being out when it is rainy, so therefore they would check the weather forecast in order to find out which days would be better for them. This is just one of the many examples to why we have become so dependant on the media, as people use the media to improve a day out or their particular lifestyle.
Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
I think our dependence on the media has changed because as technology advances, people have many more new ways to find out information or simply use for entertainment. Some of these platforms include BBC iPlayer which an example of dependency, as if people miss a programme which shows on BBC channels, then they are likely to go on TV catch up in order to watch that programme as they would not want to have missed it. People are dependant on BBC iPlayer because they rely on it to watch the programmes that they have missed.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Film Language Test Learner Response
In this post, I will be posting my feedback for my Film Language Test which I did.
- There are some good points that you've picked out of the clip. However, they don't link to the question.
- A lot we need to work on. Firstly, you must answer the question.
- You use hardly any media language and no theory. This will keep you at level 1 (max 3/12 per Q).
- Serious revision and practice required.
Preliminary Exercise Evaluation
The Task
In this task, we were given a brief which was for 2 characters to walk into a room and engage in dialogue together, it could be like an interview but we chose to add a bit of drama into it so it could make it more interesting. Our clip was supposed to around 30 seconds long but our one extended to 51 seconds, which was fine with the teachers. Our video was based on 2 main characters, me and Fasih, the character that walks into the scene asks to meet him and he tells him that he has been robbed by another character (not in video), Doobz. Their was not a lot of dialogue, but their was just enough so that the audience knew what had happened. The scene finished with me and Fasih walking out the scene and for Fasih to sort out what has happened.
I think our video was quite good, this because their was good match-on-action shots. This helped build tension and it makes the audience become more anxious as they want to find out why Fasih has received a text saying 'Come to the block'. These shots helped build up the conversation and to see what has happened with Shervin. I think we were successful at building tension as the audience seemed keen to see what would happened next, which is what me, Fasih and Zubair were aiming to do. The 180 degree rule was shot successfully, as when Fasih and me were in conversation, we changed the angle of the camera well and the shot came out well and it ran smoothly. The shot switched to Fasih in the conversation (from my shoulder) so it could show his facial expression and how he would react in this particular circumstance. We also added in the fade-to-black when Fasih walks into the part where he is meeting me, so it can show a certain time past, the next shot is of me walking up to where he is, which gave more of an effect that it took a a certain time for me to come in.
After my video was screened, we received quite good feedback and their was not a lot that was wrong apart from some minor things. One of these things were the match-on-action of me walking through the door, which seemed just a split second early, this was because we played around with it when the shot was quite late and we were not able to perfect the shot, which is something which we can do easily next time as I will have more time to edit it. Another shot which I could have shot better was the over-the-shoulder shot, from my point of view, showing Fasih. This shot showed to much free space and Fasih was not situated in the centre of the shot, which is what we should have done. This was due to a common fault that we done and we couldn't really change it as we had no more clips which were more focused on Fasih.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Film Language Learner Response
- There are some good points that you've picked out of the chip. However, they don't link to the question.
- A lot we need to work on. Firstly, you must answer the question.
- You use hardly any media language and no theory. This will keep you at level 1 (max 3/12 per Q)
- Serious revision and practice required
I think I need to go through thorough exam practice and prepare more for these particular tests.
- There are some good points that you've picked out of the chip. However, they don't link to the question.
- A lot we need to work on. Firstly, you must answer the question.
- You use hardly any media language and no theory. This will keep you at level 1 (max 3/12 per Q)
- Serious revision and practice required
I think I need to go through thorough exam practice and prepare more for these particular tests.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Editing Task
In this task,
I will be analysing this film clip....
In the start of the scene, they introduce the scene with a short establishing shot of the residential area that they are in, this is followed by a point-of-view shot of the bank where they ask 'where the fuck is the truck', this immediately shows to the audience that they are after a particular truck which they may not know at the time. The macguffin of the scene introduction is the red petrol cannisters which were shown in the car, they have done this in order for the audience to ask why they were there and the purpose the petrol will undertake.Their are close-ups of all the main characters, who are going to be involved in the robbery, they have done this because it builds up tension when they are driving to the destination, as the characters look nervous and anxious as the scene continues. This is followed up, after driving around, by a a point-of-view shot of the armoured truck outside the bank, which the audience will immediately realise that's what they are after as they reference to the quote said before.
Their is a slow motion shot which shows a close-up of the robbers face and follows by a point-of-view shot (in slow motion) of a boy which is staring at the robber. This then switches to the point of view of the character which was staring at the boy onto the bank, which builds tension and shows the audience that the main focus is currently on them as they are nervous. The editing has a change of pace and it shows a numerous amount of shots of the robbers doing different things, this causes the audience to understand that they are under pressure and that they have to act quickly by using time efficiently. As the scene goes onto a chase with the police, the cuts are quick and each scene is short during the chase, which is able to demonstrate more action going on. The scene is ended with a long shot of the road which the robbers escape from, which shows all the aftermath.
The sound of the scene is introduced with a diegetic sound of the car in the scene driving and also a police radio speaker which is giving off specific calls to certain police drivers. The sound put over the scene helps build tension as the characters are seemingly nervous as they approach the stop-off point of the armoured truck. The music helps build tension because of the fast pace it has, despite the scene being slow paced.
As the characters are constantly driving around (waiting for the armoured truck), the characters are shown in the car, this gives an effect to the reader that the characters are nervous and anxious, as they are showing medium-close ups of their face to show their facial expressions (which is shown to be serious and concerned at the time), as they wait for the armoured truck to show up. They use a lot of close ups to give the scene and what they are doing more effect to the audience, so the audience knows what they are trying to do and how they are managing to do it.
Friday, 24 October 2014
CoolBrands Task
From the website, I admire these brands:
Apple are a company that produces innovative and premium products.
BMW is a car manufacturer which produces very high end cars with a range of different models. BMW has specific brand values which are to provide people with a very grandeur and stylish looking car. BMW offer specific models for specific types of people or occasions. For example a 6 series would be a very high-end model which is aimed at more wealthy, older and high class people, however a 3 series would be aimed at a more younger type of audience, as seen below.
BMW is a car made for the driver.
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BMW M3 E46 |
- Mercedes-Benz
Mercedes-Benz's are a veteran car manufacturer which make high class cars for any specific type of person, ranging from an A Class to a G wagon. My favourite type of car is a specific model of the Mercedes-Benz C-class series - the C63 AMG. They also promote really 'class' brand values and they always try to promote their brand as a very prestige brand.
Mercedes-Benz's are made for the driver and appearance.
Mercedes-Benz's are made for the driver and appearance.
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C63 AMG Black Series |
- Apple
I admire Apple for their innovative products that they produce, with a sleek design. They also produce really good products such as the iMac's, which are known for being such an excellent computer. They are known as a high quality brand, with a extremely high reputation within their particular market.
Apple are a company that produces innovative and premium products.
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Apple iMac |
- Spotify
I admire Spotify for their app because they have a lot of music which you are able to listen to for free, for a certain time period. They have recently also attracted a lot of people, with over 10 million paying subscribers and 40 million active users. They also have 20 million songs with over 20,000 being added everyday. The brand values consist of loyalty as they want to ensure their audience are loyal by ensuring that they subscribe for the full access and features. They have a lot of music which means a lot of different people can use it as their specific music type is likely to be on the application.
Spotify are made for anyone and everyone to use.
Spotify are made for anyone and everyone to use.
- McLaren Automotive
I admire McLaren for their extremely fast cars. They are known for their highly powerful engines which are able to transmit high horse-powers. The are made specifically for one purpose and that is to go extremely fast. They are designed to be fast, which is why they have a very small target audience as people may only buy this car for the speed, design and reputation.
McLaren is presented as a powerful vehicle.
McLaren is presented as a powerful vehicle.
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McLaren F1 |
Monday, 13 October 2014
Blog Feedback and Learner Response - September/October
In this post,
I will be looking at the feedback given to me by Mr Halsey for the time I have been doing A Level Media.
WWW: An impressive, comprehensive blog that contains some very good points. Good detail to your film poster analysis and great choice of clips/stills later on. Your sound presentation was also very good.
EBI: Paragraphing is something to look at - you need to write in real depth and detail at A Level and using a separate paragraph for each aspect of a media text you analyse will help you write in that level of detail. You also need to get into the habit of highlighting your use of media language in every post. Finally, you need to work on your media consumption, particularly news. You can use Twitter to access it but you absolutely need an understanding of the media world (including news/politics/journalism) if you want to achieve in A Level Media.
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
My Learner Response:
So far, I think my strongest piece of work is the 8 Film Poster analysis, this is because I gave a good analysis of each poster. I gave good details in my explanation, which reflects onto my 'WWW' as Mr Halsey also thinks my Film Poster analysis was well detailed. I think I could improve on particular tasks, making them more analytic and detailed, for example in my 'Advert Analysis 3', I could expand it more by including more detail and reasons why the advert is effecting in persuading people to possible try out that particular product. If I paragraphed my answers more, I could fit in more detail, instead of just fitting in main points with little elaboration.
In this month of Media so far, I have more knowledge on media terminology and the institutions which exist within the industry. It is important to have an idea to how the media is run and the influence which exists within it.
In my work, I should start highlighting keywords more often to show that I can use terminology in the right context and in order for Mr Halsey/Bush to know that I have a good understand of the subject.
I will be looking at the feedback given to me by Mr Halsey for the time I have been doing A Level Media.
WWW: An impressive, comprehensive blog that contains some very good points. Good detail to your film poster analysis and great choice of clips/stills later on. Your sound presentation was also very good.
EBI: Paragraphing is something to look at - you need to write in real depth and detail at A Level and using a separate paragraph for each aspect of a media text you analyse will help you write in that level of detail. You also need to get into the habit of highlighting your use of media language in every post. Finally, you need to work on your media consumption, particularly news. You can use Twitter to access it but you absolutely need an understanding of the media world (including news/politics/journalism) if you want to achieve in A Level Media.
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
My Learner Response:
So far, I think my strongest piece of work is the 8 Film Poster analysis, this is because I gave a good analysis of each poster. I gave good details in my explanation, which reflects onto my 'WWW' as Mr Halsey also thinks my Film Poster analysis was well detailed. I think I could improve on particular tasks, making them more analytic and detailed, for example in my 'Advert Analysis 3', I could expand it more by including more detail and reasons why the advert is effecting in persuading people to possible try out that particular product. If I paragraphed my answers more, I could fit in more detail, instead of just fitting in main points with little elaboration.
In this month of Media so far, I have more knowledge on media terminology and the institutions which exist within the industry. It is important to have an idea to how the media is run and the influence which exists within it.
In my work, I should start highlighting keywords more often to show that I can use terminology in the right context and in order for Mr Halsey/Bush to know that I have a good understand of the subject.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Television Institution Tasks
Amazon: The Rainforest - showing now on BBC 2
The programme will feature an experience to what life is like in the Amazon Rainforest. It will be shown on BBC 2 at 7pm till 8pm. The programme will also feature animals and show them as very distinctive. The reason it will be showed at this time is because most people are at home at this time, which means the show may gain more viewers when everyone is at home.
Due to the programme being suitable for everyone, it may gain a high amount of viewers. The show is aimed at specifically middle class men aged from 35-50, this is because usually they are intrigued by this type of programmes as they want to be educated more and BBC2 is aimed at this particular type of audience.
The programme is a documentary which shows the wildlife which exists in more tropical countries. This fits the institution because it is a documentary. It enables the audience to gain a perspective to see how it is to live in the Amazon Rainforest.
The programme will feature an experience to what life is like in the Amazon Rainforest. It will be shown on BBC 2 at 7pm till 8pm. The programme will also feature animals and show them as very distinctive. The reason it will be showed at this time is because most people are at home at this time, which means the show may gain more viewers when everyone is at home.
Due to the programme being suitable for everyone, it may gain a high amount of viewers. The show is aimed at specifically middle class men aged from 35-50, this is because usually they are intrigued by this type of programmes as they want to be educated more and BBC2 is aimed at this particular type of audience.
The programme is a documentary which shows the wildlife which exists in more tropical countries. This fits the institution because it is a documentary. It enables the audience to gain a perspective to see how it is to live in the Amazon Rainforest.
Research/Revise Cinematography Task
In this task, I will be researching a number of different camera angles/shots and looking at Cinematography as a whole.
1. Camera shots:
1. Camera shots:
- Wide/Establishing shot - Shows the setting and where certain actions are about to be taken place.
- Long shot - A shot which shows the actor from head to toe.
- Medium shot - A shot which shows less than a long shot, but more than a close-up, so it would show the head to knees.
- Medium close-up - a shot which displays the head to torso, less than a medium shot and less of a close up.
- Close-up - a shot which only shows his face and head, used to show the detail of a subjects facial expression.
- Extreme close-up - A shot which displays only a very specific part of a subjects face.
- Over-the-shoulder shot - a shot which is used for conversation mainly, as the camera is positioned by the subjects shoulder in order to show how far away they are from each other.
2. Camera angles:
- Bird's eye view - Overhead angle displaying the setting from above which can be used to show numerous actions being taken place.
- High angle - This angle is positioned above the action in order to give a less intimidating look to the character in the setting.
- Low angle - The camera is positioned at a very low angle in order for the audience to feel powerless within the action which is taking place in the scene.
- Eye level - A shot which shows the characters point of view, it shows it as if they are monitoring something. This gives more effect to show an emotion of a subject.
- Oblique angle - the camera is tilted to give an imbalance to the audience. Used to give more effect in films such as Horror's.
3. Camera movements:
- Pans - When the camera is moving horizontal in order to present a scene.
- Tilts - Same as pan, but vertically.
- Dolly/track shots - Placed on a moving object such as car or truck to capture action which is moving.
- Handheld shots - A realistic shot which may be used with a smartphone, for example if they were to show a fight in a school, they would use a smartphone format and movement in order to make it look realistic as possible.
- Crane shots - Follows the movement of an individual through the whole scene, usually no cut scenes and from an aerial point of view.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Advert Analysis 3
In this task,
I will be analysing an advert of my choice. I will explain why they have done certain things in the advert and explain why it effets the audience.
I will be analysing the following advert:
The aim of this advert is to show the audience how significant the air conditioning can be. The fact that a female nipple is exposed is due to the sweat. This is because she may be sweaty due to the poor air conditioning that was given in another car. The advert is ironic, this causes it to become a humourous advert for mainly females due to them being very resistance to become sweaty, always wanting to maintain a sweat-less body. This advert would have been published before Summer in order for people to be able to stay cool through the summer. The reason they have been humourous is so females can relate to what is occuring in the advert, as they do not wish to become sweaty.
I will be analysing an advert of my choice. I will explain why they have done certain things in the advert and explain why it effets the audience.
I will be analysing the following advert:
The aim of this advert is to show the audience how significant the air conditioning can be. The fact that a female nipple is exposed is due to the sweat. This is because she may be sweaty due to the poor air conditioning that was given in another car. The advert is ironic, this causes it to become a humourous advert for mainly females due to them being very resistance to become sweaty, always wanting to maintain a sweat-less body. This advert would have been published before Summer in order for people to be able to stay cool through the summer. The reason they have been humourous is so females can relate to what is occuring in the advert, as they do not wish to become sweaty.
Dreamworks Presentation & Feedback
My presentation link is here:
Mr Bush's feedback for my presentation:
Mr Bush's feedback for my presentation:
- Starter - Interactive
- Clearly presented slides
- Good use of images
- Plenary worksheet, good idea
- Some pauses, lack of pace
- Some research needed, more explanation
- No relevance to synergy (until end)
- Needs more research on film/products
Other groups/Institutions:
Sky (Ryan & Kirath):
10.1 million customers from June 2011
Founded by Rupert Murdoch in the early 1990s
£6 billion in revenue, every year, as of 2011
TimeWarner (Indera And Samsam):
3rd largest Television network and entertainment conglomerate
Owns and manages many subsidiaries such as HBO & Warner Bros.
Founded in the 1990s
Twitter (Kunal, Alisa and Mikaeil):
Social networking site called "Twittr", originated from rivals Flickr
Has changed the layout, colour scheme and logo of the website several times
Destroys the purpose of newspapers
Disney (Ahmed, Abdiasis and Mansour):
Founded by Walt Disney in 1923
Disney have theme parks in Shanghai, Florida and Paris
Disney does not only shows animation, but it also shows real life shows
Film 4 (Jasmine & Harmony):
Produces its own movies such as "The Seven Physcopaths"
Has a niche audience
Is worth over £750 million
Salmaan (NewsCorp):
Formed by Rupert Murdoch
NewsCorp has acquired newspapers such as (The London) Times and The New York Post
Fox is shown in many countries.
Sunday, 28 September 2014
30 Second Music Clip Task
In this task, I will be producing 2 different collages which revolve around the following music clip.
The collages will be on contrapuntal and parallel sounds based from this particular song.
Parallel Sound
Contrapuntal Sound
In this collage, I have picked out many scenes which usually this music would not accompany as a whole scene with music.
The collages will be on contrapuntal and parallel sounds based from this particular song.
Parallel Sound
The music would relate to these particular pictures as they rap about everything included in this collage.
Contrapuntal Sound
In this collage, I have picked out many scenes which usually this music would not accompany as a whole scene with music.
Development of Sound - 1920s
In this task I will be talking about the development of sound which occurred in the 1920s and how the first adapted to it.
The first sound-on-film was released in 1923. When it hit late 1920s, they started to try commercialise it. The films with synchronised sound were at the time called 'talkies' or 'talking pictures'.
The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was 1927's 'The Jazz Singer'. It was a successful film, which was made with Vitaphone, which was the leading sound-on-disc technology company.
By early 1930s, the talkies had become a global phenomenon, this helped Hollywood secure a position as one of the worlds most powerful in cultural/commercial systems. However, in Europe they had suspicion that dialogue would subvert the aesthetics of soundless cinema. In India, sound was the changing point for their very successful film industry and this caused them to expand rapidly.
The first sound-on-film was released in 1923. When it hit late 1920s, they started to try commercialise it. The films with synchronised sound were at the time called 'talkies' or 'talking pictures'.
The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was 1927's 'The Jazz Singer'. It was a successful film, which was made with Vitaphone, which was the leading sound-on-disc technology company.
By early 1930s, the talkies had become a global phenomenon, this helped Hollywood secure a position as one of the worlds most powerful in cultural/commercial systems. However, in Europe they had suspicion that dialogue would subvert the aesthetics of soundless cinema. In India, sound was the changing point for their very successful film industry and this caused them to expand rapidly.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Media Consumption Worksheet
• Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read? None.
• What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why? Sports, because I like to keep up-to-date with the football news.
• What sections do you never read, and why? Financial section, adverts for homes and art reviews.
• What kinds of stories do you usually read and why? Big headlines because they intrigue me the most.
• Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read? No.
• What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly? and why? I don't buy any magazines.
• What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why? Sport, big headlines etc...
• Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television? 5-6 hours a week
• What times of day do you usually watch television? Late nights (8-11pm)
• What programmes do you like best and why? CSI, because it has a lot of build up to a very tense ending.
• Do you watch alone or with others? Usually with others, but sometimes I may be alone.
• If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch? I do.
• What stations do you like best and why? Magic, Westside, anything which plays good music.
• Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio? 1 hour a week.
• What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio? Whenever I am in my car.
• What stations do you dislike most and why? BBC Radio 2 and 3, very boring radio stations.
• Do you listen alone or with others? With whoever is in the car.
• Where do you listen to the radio? In my car.
• What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening to the radio? Drive around to places in my car.
• What films, if any, have you seen in the cinema in the last month? None.
• What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film
channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand? We're the Millers.
• Who else watched the films with you? My brother.
• Who decided what films to watch? Me or my brother.
• How often do you access the internet? Extremely often.
• Where do you access the internet? At home, at college or school, or at work? Mainly at home.
• What are the main sites that you access? Youtube, Twitter, Instagram
• What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment? I access these websites because they keep me entertained when I am bored, I go onto them and just browse videos and posts.
• What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet? I read football news on any websites which intrigue me. Such as which I keep up to date with football from my mother country.
• Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read? None.
• What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why? Sports, because I like to keep up-to-date with the football news.
• What sections do you never read, and why? Financial section, adverts for homes and art reviews.
• What kinds of stories do you usually read and why? Big headlines because they intrigue me the most.
• Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read? No.
• What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly? and why? I don't buy any magazines.
• What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why? Sport, big headlines etc...
• Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television? 5-6 hours a week
• What times of day do you usually watch television? Late nights (8-11pm)
• What programmes do you like best and why? CSI, because it has a lot of build up to a very tense ending.
• Do you watch alone or with others? Usually with others, but sometimes I may be alone.
• If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch? I do.
• What stations do you like best and why? Magic, Westside, anything which plays good music.
• Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio? 1 hour a week.
• What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio? Whenever I am in my car.
• What stations do you dislike most and why? BBC Radio 2 and 3, very boring radio stations.
• Do you listen alone or with others? With whoever is in the car.
• Where do you listen to the radio? In my car.
• What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening to the radio? Drive around to places in my car.
• What films, if any, have you seen in the cinema in the last month? None.
• What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film
channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand? We're the Millers.
• Who else watched the films with you? My brother.
• Who decided what films to watch? Me or my brother.
• How often do you access the internet? Extremely often.
• Where do you access the internet? At home, at college or school, or at work? Mainly at home.
• What are the main sites that you access? Youtube, Twitter, Instagram
• What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment? I access these websites because they keep me entertained when I am bored, I go onto them and just browse videos and posts.
• What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet? I read football news on any websites which intrigue me. Such as which I keep up to date with football from my mother country.
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