Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Dependency Theory - Questions

What do you primarily use the media for: entertainment or information?

I use the media for personal use, which is particular for my entertainment, some common media sources I use are YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat, which helps me connect with other friends, enabling me to speak to them whenever I wish too. I also use the media to gain information of things that have happened recently or in the past, I do not read the news regular but always try to keep up to date with what is going on around the world. 

To what extent do you feel we are dependant on the media?

I think that we have become more dependant on the media, because it affects how personal lives and how we retaliate in a particular circumstance, for example, if you were to plan a day out, you would most likely check the weather and plan it on a day where the weather is decent and most likely not raining (for example) as people tend to not enjoy being out when it is rainy, so therefore they would check the weather forecast in order to find out which days would be better for them. This is just one of the many examples to why we have become so dependant on the media, as people use the media to improve a day out or their particular lifestyle. 

Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?

I think our dependence on the media has changed because as technology advances, people have many more new ways to find out information or simply use for entertainment. Some of these platforms include BBC iPlayer which an example of dependency, as if people miss a programme which shows on BBC channels, then they are likely to go on TV catch up in order to watch that programme as they would not want to have missed it. People are dependant on BBC iPlayer because they rely on it to watch the programmes that they have missed. 

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