1. What do you think the film is about and what might the storyline be?
2. What genre(s) do you think the film belongs to?
3. Who do you think is the target audience?
Blade Runner (1982)
1. I think this film is about an individual who may be from space or sent from space to go to Earth and complete certain tasks which he has been allocated. The name 'Blade Runner' suggests that a 'Blade' may be his weapon of choice.
2. I think this film majors in Science-Fiction but may be a hybrid of Action and Science-Fiction as he has a gun in his hand next to his face which presents a sort of aggression.
3. I think Blade Runner is a film which was aimed towards possibly 13-18 year old at the time the film came out because Science-Fiction films were different to usual films which came out in the time of the release of the film. In this generation, it may be aimed at older people because the film was released over 30 years ago. This style of film may not intrigue younger audiences in our current time.
Scary Movie 2 (2001)
2. Scary Movie 2 looks mainly aimed at Comedy and Horror. The presentation of horror is shown through the the movie title quite obviously 'Scary Movie', but ironically they have done this for the humour of it as a film which is Horror based would usually not call the film itself a 'Scary Movie'.
3. I think the target audience for this film would be aimed at a more younger audience, aged around 16-25 years old as the humour is mainly targeted towards younger people and some people in the older generation may not understand certain jokes which are used in the film.
Uzak (2002)
1. I think that this film may be about a man which has been left by someone because he is completely alone and isolated in the film poster. The smoke in the picture may connote that a pain will come into his life as smoke is a negative connotation and the poster is covered with the majority of smoke. This could also mean that something will take over his life and it isn't good because the smoke is extremely dense and dark which would mean that it will not be the most cheerful film. The colour scheme is not too broad and only consists of dark brown/khaki colours which don't promote happiness.
2. I think this film will come under either a Drama or Thriller as the film does not show any sign of action and is quite a subtle looking poster. If there was a sign of destruction it would likely tell a different story.
3. I think the target audience for this film is mainly people aged from 30-50 year old because in the poster it looks like he is suffering and people usually aged 30-50 may be able to relate with the film as they might be in a state similar like him.
I'm Not Scared (2003)
2. I think this film is based on the genre of Crime and Drama because usually if there's a bad consequence then it usually is against the law which means that is Crime. Also it could be very dramatic as he is determined to do whatever it takes and for it being someone as young as him will make it more dramatic for the audience.
Bride & Prejudice (2004)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
1. I think Million Dollar Baby is about a female who looks like she is wanting to pursue a goal. The other men look like people which may help her because they seem to be behind her in an act of defence. The colour scheme of the poster is just black and white which brings tension onto the poster as there is no colour - colour usually having many presentations.
2. I think this film may belong to the Drama category as she from what I have analysed so far, she seems to have goals which may have certain struggles in order to get to her goals.
3. I think the target audience for this film may be people aged from 18-27 years old because from the colour scheme it would not attract a younger audience as they are more intrigued by films and film posters which have a range of colours.
1. I think this film is about Pirates which exist in the Caribbean, referring from the title. It might have to do with a chest which contains very rare treasures and which has been hidden away for a long time.
2. I think this film belongs into the 'Adventure' or 'Action' as usually Pirates condone violence which is why I have included Action. I have said Adventure as well because Pirates usually voyage on ships for most of their lives in search for treasure which is why I think they will go on an adventure in search for this treasure.
3. I think this is aimed at a younger audience from 12-18, because Pirates are fictional and younger audiences usually enjoy more fictional stuff.
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