- Distribution Research:
- Identifying and delivering the largest possible audience for every film
- Acquiring the films they release from one or more of various sources
- Look at deals on the films they want to produce and help finance
- Films can be shown at Film Festivals in order to raise awareness
- Critics and insiders may discover them and go on to champion them in early reviews and columns which boosts promotion
- Distributors sign a contract with the producer, in order to claim rights to own the film title
- The film is generally completed and they can see what they're dealing with
- Distributors specifically plan out the ideal target audience for the film, using knowledge and forms of statistical research
- Market plan is created in order to create interest of the film to cinemas
- Cinemas and entertainment forms choose to screen their films and go on to make box office sales
The estimated budget of iLL Manors was around £100,000. Most of it came from Plan B himself and the rest was gathered from grants and partners such as Revolver Entertainment.- Film London Microwave
- BBC Films
- Aimimage
The budget of iLL Manors is minuscule compares to a Hollywood-blockbuster film much like Skyfall. iLL Manors had a budget of £500,000, whereas Skyfall had a budget between $150-200 million. The budget for iLL Manors is nothing compared to the extraordinary budget of such a highly-demanded crime-action thriller film.Film London & Microwave Film:Film London is an organisation which focuses on developing and promoting films that are made in London. It works with the BFI and aims to grow the film industry in London and wants to promote this iconic city through forms of entertainment.Microwave Film is a sub-organisation which operates under Film London. It provides funding and grants to new film-makers who are creating their first full-feature length film and provides help and support in making their ideas become reality.Comparing iLL Manors to Shifty:Similarities:
- Both set in a similar location, areas of London which signify this urban and gritty tone and feel which engages the audience
- Both contain strong levels of drugs and violence which is a common representation of youths from London
- Both take us through of characters who are struggling in life and the actions they have to take in order to receive a source of income
- Both primarily include very young teenage characters of different ages
Differences:- More humour is conveyed in Shifty than iLL Manors; iLL Manors is more action and violence
- Different narratives and sub-genres between the two films
- Different character types
Distributor: Revolver Entertainment:Revolver Entertainment was created in 1997 by Justin Marciano.Offender:
Offender was successful due to its featuring of many rap artists that were well-known and respected when the trailer was released. Artists such as English Frank, Mic Righteous and Scorcher were all featured in the film and had an active role. This would make the film successful as they were musicians that many teenagers used to listen to, therefore, many fans of these artists would go and support them by watching the film and was beneficial in the way that the listeners of these musicians were the ideal target audience of the film. Each of these artists had a large following behind them on their music career and this further widened the audience that would be ideal to watch the film, increasing the viewer count and making it a successful low-budget film.
Shank was hugely successful because it was a very similar film to the Kidulthood and Adulthood series which was very popular amongst teenagers upon release. Shank used the same distributor as Kidulthood and this may have caused a more faster spreading about the film and may have raised more awareness about it. Shank's official trailer was also released on SBTV first; an urban YouTube channel which forecasted young talent in the form of music. Jamal Edwards and the team at SBTV may be seen as opinion leaders and may have impacted on the audience of the film and may have helped in its success. The trailer got over a million views and played a massive role in the promoting and success of the film.
Kidulthood was successful due to the writer and character of the film. Noel Clarke, who had been previously known for other features in films and TV shows, and was a well-known figure in the film and television industry. The film was also advertised on YouTube and TV, and there were a few billboard advertisements which also helped in gathering attention of the film and may have played a big part in its success.
Comparing iLL Manors to Kidulthood:
- Both follow a similar genre, urban and filled with 'grittyness'
- Both are set in a similar location, London played a big role in setting the narrative
- Both contain strong levels of drugs and violence
- Both were low-budget films that were majorly successful
Differences:- Both have slightly different narratives
- Different character types and aims
- Focuses on more younger characters in Kidulthod than iLL Manors
Revolver Entertainment went out of business in 2013 as closures in HMV stores where Revolver sold their DVD's started to close as they went into administration which had a harsh impact on Revolver. Also, as more and more people were watching and purchasing films online, it lead to a decrease in the demand for DVD copies of films, and a majority of Revolver's revenue came from DVD sales, and as people were watching online, it led to Revolver to struggle in making money from DVD sales which caused them to close in 2013.The advancement in Internet facilities and as everything is going online as time advances, it is making promoting and distributing films more towards the online-side of things. As more and more people are actively using the Internet everyday, it makes it more easier and cheaper to distribute and promote films over the internet and makes it a more accessible and quicker way of gathering information about latest film releases.Gunslinger:Gunslinger Films currently in development:- The London Syndrome
- Bootnecks
- Electric
SHANK - Official Trailer:
Comparing iLL Manors to SHANK:
- Both focus on violence and drugs as a way of making a living
- Both focus on teenagers' lives and how they act in society
- Both are set in the centre of London
- Both focus on street reputation which determines their power in the 'hood'
Differences:- They both each have their own narrative
- Different character types and ages
- Different problems and consequences are experienced
Gunslinger Films:- Offender
- Anuvahood
Gunslinger focus on urban-drama type films as it is becoming a genre which is becoming very entertaining and common amongst younger teenage viewers. These films are also easier to make and are more of an entertaining genre which appeals to many people, this may be why Gunslinger focus on these film-types.Gunslinger films fit into the social realism genre as they convey how people in Britain are living and how their lives change as time progresses. Their urban-drama films usually take us through the lives of characters in their films and build a personal relationships and demonstrate the lives of different individuals which Gunslinger are effective in demonstrating.The UK urban-drama genre is becoming a very popular and entertaining genre to audiences. Viewers want to see the lives of people living in London and is becoming more and more popular amongst films.Certification:
The team over at BBFC watch each film from start to finish and decide and award an appropriate age rating to every film. The age ratings are decided by applying some of the BBFC guidelines in order to make sure the age rating is appropriate.15 Age Rating:- Strong violence
- Frequent strong language
- Portrayals of sexual activity
- Strong verbal references to sex
- Sexual nudity
- Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
- Discriminatory language or behaviour
- Drug taking
18 Age Rating:- Very strong violence
- Frequent strong language
- Strong portrayals of sexual activity
- Scenes of sexual violence
- Strong horror
- Strong blood and gore
If films are given an 18 age rating, it ensures that it is suitable for the right type of viewers, but may be seen at a disadvantage as some viewers who are nearly 18 could be mature enough to watch films but simply cannot due to the age rating, this may put some viewers off watching the film and may decrease the number of viewers the film has in the long run.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Institution Research
Friday, 13 March 2015
Tag London - eMedia
1. The ill Manors tag London campaign is a campaign this promotes the ill Manors album. The key concept was to make sure that this reflected the scale and character of the album while it attracting an online audience. Fans were prompted to tweet the hashtag #ILLMANORS and they would tweet their opinions on the current climate in the UK. They would projected 100ft high onto London landmarks. This would apply to what Plan B says in board cast and what his songs are about. This helps build Plan B’s brand.
2. The ill Manors tag London campaign helps promote the film by making a new trend. This would encourage and seduce their audience by making to take part of this. This could also attract news which then then attract more of an audience that it already has.
3. There are links between the ill manors campaign as they are trying to get their messages across. They may be different messages but they are all trying to send out messages to their viewers. This is from the broadcast in where Plan B may have interviews with talk shows to magazine articles which is similar to the ill manors campaign as they all promoting the movie and giving you a way of interacting with things to do with ill manors.
4. I believe this type of a campaign may be more successful that traditional campaigns as it is using Twitter and social networking to promote themselves. In today's modern society technology is an important asset to the way we live and e media is becoming more and more important. So by ill manors using this campaign through twitter and using hash tags they would be targeting a wide target audience due to the fact that e media may be more important than broadcast and print nowadays. Also through Twitter they are able to target a much wider audience as well as the campaign itself being different and unique.
2. The ill Manors tag London campaign helps promote the film by making a new trend. This would encourage and seduce their audience by making to take part of this. This could also attract news which then then attract more of an audience that it already has.
3. There are links between the ill manors campaign as they are trying to get their messages across. They may be different messages but they are all trying to send out messages to their viewers. This is from the broadcast in where Plan B may have interviews with talk shows to magazine articles which is similar to the ill manors campaign as they all promoting the movie and giving you a way of interacting with things to do with ill manors.
4. I believe this type of a campaign may be more successful that traditional campaigns as it is using Twitter and social networking to promote themselves. In today's modern society technology is an important asset to the way we live and e media is becoming more and more important. So by ill manors using this campaign through twitter and using hash tags they would be targeting a wide target audience due to the fact that e media may be more important than broadcast and print nowadays. Also through Twitter they are able to target a much wider audience as well as the campaign itself being different and unique.
The Ill Manors music video is about how the society in general don't accept the youth's and they are excluded, thus this tweet links in with the concept of including the youth.
The target audience of this tweet may be focused on more politically minded people, due to the reference of David Cameron's (Prime Minister) 'Broken Britian', which may range from the age group of 30-50, however a lot of people that are in this age range do not use Twitter, as social networking websites are used by more younger people.
By using this kind of speech, which has more informal language, for example, 'sick' which is meant as really good and quite exciting. Due to this the target audience would be more younger audiences and I think mainly it would be aimed at 13-21 year old people, despite the age rating being 18.
This kind of tweet can be aimed at many different audiences, as a lot of highly intellectual people may be curious to find out what this is in relation to.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
MEST1 Section B: A Field in England
100 word summary:
Ben Wheatley wanted to try and distribute the film ‘The
Field in England’ across many different media platforms in order for the film
product to be found by the audiences. They released the film on 4oD/iTunes
(VOD), Film4 (free broadcast TV), DVD & BluRay and cinema (across 17
arthouse’s) all simultaneously. They need to estimate the potential revenue
that they can gain from this film, across all the platforms it was released on,
and what audiences will be attracted by it. Trying to earn the highest amount
of revenue is hard for film distributors as they need to ensure a certain film
will make back the money that they put into the film. Hollywood films are
usually with high-budgets, which means they can promote it more, with the money
that they have.
The films release was different to other films as they released it on many different platforms simultaneously. This is usually not carried out by film distributors, however they have done this so they can project the film to many different audiences. This type of film which is seen as a more interesting topic are not released into cinemas for long enough for people to watch them or become familiar with the franchise.
2. What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
The advantage to releasing this kind of film across all platforms is that audiences will be able to view this kind of film through one of these different platforms. An independent film does not usually release it's film on a lot of different platforms and usually show at Arthouse cinemas. Arthouse cinemas are not as common as regular cinemas and people usually may just not travel to one, as they may be far away etc. However if the film was released on many different media platforms, it can help the promotion of the film and what values is carries.
3. What are the disadvantages to this approach?
The disadvantages to this is that the film may not receive the audience it may original want and it may not gain a high box-office. The film received a different reception as it was the first film to release on all the different platforms simultaneously.
4. What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics.
I think that this filmed would be aimed at an audience aged 21-35 and for the audience to be a majority of males. This is because the story line is quite moderate and it is during an older period of time (based in the 17th Century).
5. Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
5. Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?
I think that if a film had a high level of promotion of it's franchise, it can help a film be more successful when releasing it on many different platforms, simultaneously. I think some film may do this, however due to the success rate of 'A Field in England', they may not carry out that this kind of method of distribution.
Monday, 9 March 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Ill Manors - eMedia (Facebook)
1. How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had? 31,623 likes
2. What is the top of the page promoting? The top of the page is promoting the film and is giving people that view their page to buy the film.
3. Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
This will appeal and also bring more of an audience towards the production because they have been nominated for a prestigious award, which is highly recognised in the UK.
4. Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
GQ Magazine Interview with Ben Drew
This interview helps promote the film, as the readers of GQ magazine will be aware of the release of the film and it also gives an insight into Ben Drew's life and his views on society, which are reflected highly into the film itself.
DigitalSpy Interview
This interview helps promote the film as they have highlighted the fact that director Noel Clarke (directed films such as Adulthood) which is well recognised within British Urban dramas. The title says that Noel Clarke told Ben Drew to go along with the film and actually produce it, which shows good recommendation from someone has significant in the same industry and genre type as the Ill Manors franchise.
The Guardian - Plan B (Ill Manors) article
This helps promote the film as it gives references to the 2011 London Riots, which was highly recognised all over the world as such a disaster in British history, as a lot of shops were looted as violence was taken to the streets of London. The quote "The song inspired by last year's riots has now become a film. Plan B, aka Ben Drew, explains why he was driven to make it" helps the audience understand that the film will relate to the real-life events of the streets of London.
5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
7. Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.
8. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
They used the Facebook page to help promote the films trailer and so that the audience can be aware of the films release and news in relation to it. The page was not extremely popular as shown through the likes of the posts in comparison to the amount of people that have actually liked the Facebook page.
2. What is the top of the page promoting? The top of the page is promoting the film and is giving people that view their page to buy the film.
3. Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
This will appeal and also bring more of an audience towards the production because they have been nominated for a prestigious award, which is highly recognised in the UK.
This will appeal to the Ill Manors audience because they may have enjoyed the film or soundtrack which Plan B has produced.
This is most likely used to bring more of an audience into the Ill Manors production, as they want the people to acknowledge that if they are nominated for awards which are recognised within the media. If they are recognise through these award ceremonies, it can help promote the film. 

This will appeal to the Ill Manors audience because if someone enjoyed the film a lot, they are likely to want to view anything which is exclusive and in relation to the film.
This will appeal to Ill Manors fans as they most probably want the chance to win a DVD of the film.
4. Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
GQ Magazine Interview with Ben Drew
This interview helps promote the film, as the readers of GQ magazine will be aware of the release of the film and it also gives an insight into Ben Drew's life and his views on society, which are reflected highly into the film itself.
DigitalSpy Interview
This interview helps promote the film as they have highlighted the fact that director Noel Clarke (directed films such as Adulthood) which is well recognised within British Urban dramas. The title says that Noel Clarke told Ben Drew to go along with the film and actually produce it, which shows good recommendation from someone has significant in the same industry and genre type as the Ill Manors franchise.
The Guardian - Plan B (Ill Manors) article
This helps promote the film as it gives references to the 2011 London Riots, which was highly recognised all over the world as such a disaster in British history, as a lot of shops were looted as violence was taken to the streets of London. The quote "The song inspired by last year's riots has now become a film. Plan B, aka Ben Drew, explains why he was driven to make it" helps the audience understand that the film will relate to the real-life events of the streets of London.
5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
7. Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.
8. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
They used the Facebook page to help promote the films trailer and so that the audience can be aware of the films release and news in relation to it. The page was not extremely popular as shown through the likes of the posts in comparison to the amount of people that have actually liked the Facebook page.
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