Friday, 13 March 2015

Tag London - eMedia

1. The ill Manors tag London campaign is a campaign this promotes the ill Manors album. The key concept was to make sure that this reflected the scale and character of the album while it attracting an online audience. Fans were prompted to tweet the hashtag #ILLMANORS and they would tweet their opinions on the current climate in the UK. They would projected 100ft high onto London landmarks. This would apply to what Plan B says in board cast and what his songs are about. This helps build Plan B’s brand. 

2. The ill Manors tag London campaign helps promote the film by making a new trend. This would encourage and seduce their audience by making to take part of this. This could also attract news which then then attract more of an audience that it already has.    

3. There are links between the ill manors campaign as they are trying to get their messages across. They may be different messages but they are all trying to send out messages to their viewers. This is from the broadcast in where Plan B may have interviews with talk shows to magazine articles which is similar to the ill manors campaign as they all promoting the movie and giving you a way of interacting with things to do with ill manors.

4. I believe this type of a campaign may be more successful that traditional campaigns as it is using Twitter and social networking to promote themselves. In today's modern society technology is an important asset to the way we live and e media is becoming more and more important. So by ill manors using this campaign through twitter and using hash tags they would be targeting a wide target audience due to the fact that e media may be more important than broadcast and print nowadays. Also through Twitter they are able to target a much wider audience as well as the campaign itself being different and unique. 



The Ill Manors music video is about how the society in general don't accept the youth's and they are excluded, thus this tweet links in with the concept of including the youth.


The target audience of this tweet may be focused on more politically minded people, due to the reference of David Cameron's (Prime Minister) 'Broken Britian', which may range from the age group of 30-50, however a lot of people that are in this age range do not use Twitter, as social networking websites are used by more younger people. 


By using this kind of speech, which has more informal language, for example, 'sick' which is meant as really good and quite exciting. Due to this the target audience would be more younger audiences and I think mainly it would be aimed at 13-21 year old people, despite the age rating being 18.


This kind of tweet can be aimed at many different audiences, as a lot of highly intellectual people may be curious to find out what this is in relation to. 

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